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How to Troubleshoot These Common AC Problems This Summer

AC working

Your air conditioner can last over a decade with very little drop in performance. However, you can’t expect this to happen without some effort on your part. It’s important for you to maintain your unit so you can take advantage of the years of use you should get from your AC unit. With the current summer season, it’s especially important to keep your AC in good condition.

However, sometimes no matter what you do problems arise, we want to help you through them whether through physical repairs or through troubleshooting advice. In this blog, we’ll explain some easy fixes to common problems that can keep your air conditioner running smoothly!

Poor Airflow

We recommend you hold off on calling us for the moment and see if you can diagnose the problem first. The solution might be easier than you thought. This isn’t a problem that’s typically an extreme emergency like a gas leak might be. You have the time to rule out the simple solutions.

Start by checking on the state of your electricity. A malfunctioning fusebox or circuit breaker can cause your AC’s fan to not function properly and limit or stop airflow. If there is a problem, you’ll want to get that fixed and your AC troubles should go away.

Once you’ve ruled that possibility out, there are other explanations that we need to check for. One common one is your air filter. These need to be switched out or cleaned every single month. Many homeowners simply don’t do this. When air filters have been neglected for months they can become so caked with dirt and dust that they can restrict the airflow coming from your vents. This is all part of the normal maintenance that you as a homeowner should be doing. However, it’s never too late to start if you haven’t been doing this!

Lastly, there is the possibility of a mechanical problem. You’ll likely require a professional technician to come to take a look at your unit if this is the case. It could be a simple fix with the fan belt or a more involved repair.

The Air from my Vents Isn’t Cold

We see this issue all the time and often the solution is trivially simple. Before you call anyone about the lukewarm air coming from your vents, you should check your thermostat fan settings. Typically, this is set to either “on” or “auto”. You should always keep it at “auto”. This setting only runs the fan when the air conditioner is running. The “on” setting leaves the fan on all the time. This is not only a waste of energy but is also a source of confusion when you walk by your vent and don’t feel the cool air you might’ve expected.

Now, there’s a possibility that this isn’t the cause of the problem. Who knows? You may have a dangerous refrigerant leak or a mechanical issue. This is when it’s a smart choice to call a pro technician to take a look.

My AC is Loud or Smelly

There are so many ways to spot a problem with your HVAC system. Typically, we see a mechanical problem or feel that the air isn’t as cold as it should be. However, sometimes, we can hear or smell a problem with a unit. All of it is information we can use to diagnose a problem.

Every machine has moving parts and will naturally make some noise. Most HVAC systems produce at least a low hum. Loud banging or screeching sounds aren’t so normal. If you are regularly hearing something that doesn’t sound normal, you’re probably right and might need to take a quick look at your system or call a professional.

Smells are common in ducted systems in particular. We’ve seen all sorts of things trapped in ducts producing foul smells. From dead rodents to mold, you never really know what could be stuck in those ducts. If you smell mildew or rotten eggs coming from your vents this is a sign of mold, a dead animal, or even a gas leak! It’s vitally important for you to get a trained eye (and nose) to come take a look.

If you’re having HVAC trouble this summer, we want to help! Fill out our form online or call us at (336) 814-2613. Our technicians at Earnhardt Heating & Cooling, Inc. are trained in cleanliness and take the utmost care and caution when helping your home.
