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How Long Can You Expect Your HVAC Units to Last?

HVAC maintenance

Your HVAC units are essential pieces of equipment for the comfort of your home. Additionally, their upkeep ends up being a decent chunk of your energy bills on a month-to-month basis. Your choice of a new furnace or air conditioner is one of the most important investments you can make in your home. The installation process can be potentially expensive. The best way to save money on your new HVAC unit installation is to delay it as long as possible by keeping your HVAC unit in good shape with regular maintenance. With that being said, all HVAC units will need to be replaced eventually, so what are the typical benchmarks you can expect?


Furnaces can have a bit of variance to them, especially when you consider some of the newer models that utilize alternative fuel sources such as electricity. Even so, you can expect a properly sized and cared for furnace to last at least 15 years and potentially longer. It’s important that you get your furnace maintenance once a year because small issues can escalate and ruin the unit when it’s only a few years old if you’re unlucky.

Air Conditioners

Air conditioning also needs to be serviced once a year. Things like stopping refrigerant leaks or corroded evaporator coils can take your air conditioning out of commission before it’s time. If you do a good job maintaining your AC, you can expect it to last at most about 15 years. It’s not uncommon for an AC to start failing at around 8 to 10 years old if it’s not well maintained.

It’s important that you get the most out of your HVAC units by getting professional service at least once a year. The savings from delaying a new installation for a few years can make a huge difference in the long run!

The experts at Earnhardt Heating and Cooling are available to service your HVAC units should you need it. To schedule an appointment, call (336) 814-2613 or fill out an online contact form!